Pop Goes The World

My favorite songs from all over the world. Some in English and some not.

Mandy Mettbach (Germany)
image of Tausend Und Eine Nacht
Tausend Und Eine Nacht

Fujii Kaze (Japan)
image of Feelin’ Go(o)d
Feelin’ Go(o)d

Sarah (Italy)
image of Roulette

Los Kelleros (Germany)
image of Ciao, Ciao, Ciao
Ciao, Ciao, Ciao

  Latvia   20 videos
image of Funny Girl
Funny Girl
Laura Rizzotto (Latvia/Brazil)

image of Dangus įkrito
Dangus įkrito
BrainStorm (Latvia) & 8 Kambarys (Lithuania)

image of Pink Glasses
Pink Glasses
Linda Leen (Latvia)

image of Beautiful Song
Beautiful Song
Anmary (Latvia)

image of Galerijā
Lauris Reiniks (Latvia)

image of Vecumdienas
Citi Zēni (Latvia)

image of Viņa Ir Mana Terapija
Viņa Ir Mana Terapija
Aija Andrejeva & Olga Rajecka (Latvia)

image of I Feel Good
I Feel Good
Marie N (Latvia)

image of Aijā
Sudden Lights (Latvia)

image of Es Gaidu Ziemu
Es Gaidu Ziemu
Triānas Parks (Latvia)

image of Forever
Markus Riva (Latvia)

image of Alive Again
Alive Again
BrainStorm (Latvia)

image of Eat Your Salad
Eat Your Salad
Citi Zēni (Latvia)

image of On The Way Home
On The Way Home
Beatrise Heislere (Latvia)

image of Zero Love
Zero Love
Aminata (Latvia)

image of My Star
My Star
Brainstorm (Latvia)

image of I Wanna
I Wanna
Marie N (Latvia)

image of Hello From Mars
Hello From Mars
F.L.Y. (Latvia)

image of The War Is Not Over
The War Is Not Over
Walters & Kazha (Latvia)

image of A Day Before Tomorrow
A Day Before Tomorrow
Brainstorm (Latvia)

  Latvia   END