Pop Goes The World

My favorite songs from all over the world. Some in English and some not.

Mandy Mettbach (Germany)
image of Tausend Und Eine Nacht
Tausend Und Eine Nacht

Fujii Kaze (Japan)
image of Feelin’ Go(o)d
Feelin’ Go(o)d

Sarah (Italy)
image of Roulette

Los Kelleros (Germany)
image of Ciao, Ciao, Ciao
Ciao, Ciao, Ciao

  Luxembourg   4 videos
image of Poupee De Cire, Poupee De Son
Poupee De Cire, Poupee De Son
France Gall (Luxembourg/France)

image of Rewind
Josh Island (Luxembourg/U.K.)

image of Fighter
Tali (Luxembourg/Israel)

image of Essential
EDSUN (Luxembourg)

  Luxembourg   END