Pop Goes The World

My favorite songs from all over the world. Some in English and some not.

Mandy Mettbach (Germany)
image of Tausend Und Eine Nacht
Tausend Und Eine Nacht

Fujii Kaze (Japan)
image of Feelin’ Go(o)d
Feelin’ Go(o)d

Sarah (Italy)
image of Roulette

Los Kelleros (Germany)
image of Ciao, Ciao, Ciao
Ciao, Ciao, Ciao

  Serbia   10 videos
image of Last Christmas
Last Christmas
Valentina (France) feat. Viki Gabor (Poland) & Petar Aničić (Serbia)

image of Duga Je Noć
Duga Je Noć
Filip Baloš (Serbia)

image of Ogledalo
Nevena Božović (Serbia)

image of Sam Mi Se Spava
Sam Mi Se Spava
Luke Black (Serbia)

image of Dombar Vam Dan
Dombar Vam Dan
Marija Šerifović (Serbia)

image of Omadjijan
Sanja Vučić (Serbia)

image of Blizu
Tijana Bogicevic (Serbia)

image of In Corpore Sano
In Corpore Sano
Konstrakta (Serbia)

image of Molitva
Marija Šerifović (Serbia)

image of Ceo Svet Je Naš
Ceo Svet Je Naš
Irina Brodić & Jana Paunović (Serbia)

  Serbia   END